Friday, September 16, 2005

You know, I hardly write in here, because my life is pretty much mundane, and I know that everything i commit to a blog DOES become public domain.

this morning, actually afternoon, I was awaken from the midst of an alcohol induced sleep, thanks to the Forensics Pub Crawl, which i might add was GOOOOOOODDDD!!!.

Fern rings me up to rave about an email a dinosaur sent to her regarding comments she made about him on her blog. She's done it a couple of times, so i just listened, as i had just turned the computer on, i clicked on the bookmark to the blog, just to get a perspective on things.

As i scrolled through the email he sent her, i saw my name:

'For your record I can reassure you I am not a fucker. I don't dwell like Eugene or someone else. I just move away swiftly.'

Up to this point I've exercised my right to remain silent when commenting on the relationship between a close friend and an asshole, and we all know what i'm talking about. I've NEVER given advice, comments or even passed wind over this issue, because a gentleman does not involve himself in matters like these.

However, the most important thing about being a gentleman, is to know when to stop being one.

My friend, what were you thinking when you sent that email, with my name in it? I very seldom take things personally. However, when you put my name, and the word 'fucker' in the same paragraph, and make a comment on my relationship with another, I WILL take it personally. It doesn't matter whether or not the issue is valid, you have no business whatsoever to say anything to anyone about it.

For THE record, I am NOT dwelling on anything, everything i've done for her, I would gladly do for any of my friends, male or female, straight or gay. I've never refused anyone, any assistance they might ask for, that is within my ability. Maybe altruism is a concept a person of your caliber finds hard to grasp, but that is your problem, not mine.

And we're commenting on each other, let's keep the momentum going....

Not everyone is as intelligent as you, and i'm sure that there are people who ARE more intelligent than you, however i would be hard pressed to find someone more self absorbed in the entire faculty.

And what about the fiasco with a certain residential coordinator, last year, sound familar?

Her fiance's parents said that you were having an affair, which you were. She's engaged to the guy, you knew that. Yet you chose to continue with the relationship. What were you expecting?
That she'd drop the guy and come running into your arms?

That only happens in Hindi movies and maybe in your wildest dreams.

And you telling the world about all your failed attempts at a meaningful relationship? I mean what are you trying to do, garner sympathy so that some unsuspecting young thing would take pity on you and give in to your advances? Might work in TCS dramas, this is real life Australia, even Neighbours scriptwriters don't use that.

You like people to think that you are a morally upright patriot, well, remember the Singapore Student's Association in Flinders? How you achieved a coup de etat, by calling an AGM, then standing for election as President, without informing the incumbent? From my perspective, it looked like the affair was treated like an election in some African Banana Republic, not a student body in a legit University. Who gives a Flying Fuck that you are a PhD student? If you looked around, I'm guessing that they're a dime a dozen in the Faculty. It does not mean that you're more qualified than an undergrad to be the president of a club.

This is just the tip of the iceberg, and i'll let it go at this. However if i do recieve anymore updates, we'll go into deep detail, and i promise, everything Fern has written on her blog will look like compliments compared to what i have to offer.



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